Now that we own our own building we can’t ever be kicked out. These are some of the possibilities for when we open to the public meaning there will be a buzz about the place from morning ‘till night. It also means more volunteers, more audience, more artists and more working groups and individuals.
Daytime Opening – The S&S will now be open during the day bringing the opportunity for you to organise, participate and volunteer at daytime events and projects.
Increased accessibility – Sloping ramps instead of steps, fully accessible toilet, "changing places loo" with straps and hoists for people with profound disabilities. The projection booth will be fully wheelchair accessible, as will the whole building. We also plan to have a hearing loop installed.
More Regular Screenings and Events – Both the cinema and the venue space will be fully sound-proofed. We were restricted in the old building to only holding one event at a time due to noise. We can now hold events simultaneously in both rooms. Including day time.
Digital Screenings (DCP) – The S&S has historically shown films using 16mm and 35mm projection and a DVD player. We have never owned a Digital Projector. We have now received funding to purchase one. This means showing a wider selection of films.
16mm and 35mm Film Projection – This will continue. We will remain loyal to film heritage. We have volunteers who are very interested in carrying on this tradition. We are the only cinema in Newcastle which projects using the 16mm projector.
Music Recording Studio – Blank Studios, who will be leasing part of our building from us, will provide their facilities for S&S use 2 days per month. Providing opportunities for training, music recording and experimentation for anyone interested.
Café – Yes there will be one but it is not yet established how it will be run. Will it be volunteer run or outsourced to an external barista?.
Children and families - Day time opening means children’s programming will now be possible. Family friendly events for all you carers/parents to get stuck into.
Venue/Space Hire – Meeting rooms will be available as well as hiring out the cinema and venue space for suitable events. Already we have 3 people asking about weddings!! There will be a kitchen available for self-catering.
Affordable - We will continue to remain cheap and accessible no matter what your income.
Independent and Alternative – We will continue to be that alternative to the mainstream showing the types of films and events that do not happen at other venues around Newcastle.