Star and Shadow. Minutes General meeting 17 December 2007 Adrin, Bill, Eftychia, Phipps, Craig, Phil, Haz, Ilana, Pauline, David, Roger.Apologies: Mat, Christo, Holly.M/AFree chairs – Craig is on the case, putting feelers out, contacted the 2 furniture coops – no chairs available at the mo but ongoing research.Bottle recycling: We have a bin – need to clarify with Alan when it is collected.Feedback from Lucero gig to Pauline: As both Pauline and Stephanie were at meeting discussion about what happened Stephanie outlined problems and there was discussion around looking after volunteers and not becoming just a gig venue again. Also that events that do turn ugly have an impact on all events – especially in the light of petition Craig mentioned - he had heard about from local residents about restricting music events here – but we need to find out more about this. Ilana’s discussion with the council is that there are no probkes they know of regarding us.Pauline described how she researchs music and is working and nurturing relationships with promoters, and aiming to talk them through contract as that seems to work better than just the text which is easy to ignore. In particular that doorstaff (ticket ones) need to be on door at all times. Also that there aren’t actually that many gigs, and reminder that so many of them are lovely events and these kind are rarer. And problematic for our venue to blanket restrict types of music. Discussion continued about merits and problems with tightening up our structure and where we draw the line – seems that treating each case as it comes and nurturing relationships is the way forward. This needs to include SIA trained doorstaff where necessary – as we already have to on late license nights. Pauline already has a list of promoters not to invite back and ones that worked well. Craig mentioned a petition that he had heard about from local residents about restricting music events here – but we need to find out more about this, as we don’t want to be restricted in everything by one or two events. ACTION.Ilana’s discussion with the council is that there are no probs they know of regarding us.Finances:VAT report going in by end Dec. Programming: BFI issue being resolved. Bill point of contact for delivery and pick up. 2nd Feb. Ghetto Method Want to put on scenario event. Film, music, live drawing. Needs suggestions of films for theme the devil that comes between us. Adrin – suggestion to put out email for suggestion.Phil – green festival. Meeting date wanted to confirm but issue over wiki – what happens skateboarding film hadn’t been cancelled on the wiki. Caused confusion when things cancelled but not taken off. Explained about confirmed C as discussed at programming. Reiterated that contact details are ESSENTIAL. Roger outlined issues about personal contact details. As it is too difficult for wiki not to have details, solution is for individuals to set up new/forwarding email if it’s a problem to use a main one.25th January. Green fest agm. Confirmed.Need to look back at the idea for outlining how to programme for new promoters and connect in with Pauline. ACTION: make this happen find someone/people at programming meeting to do this. Next meeting – 7th Jan. General. Next programming. 14th. In the brochure.Eyes Wide Open – publicity needs to go out! ACTION: Steph emailing Debbie, Mat and Christo. Building Maintenance – day was successful. Phipps – can there be an email for building maintainers. Use like a diary? Ask Simon to set up – ACTION: Ilana to ask Simon, Phipps to activate its use.Bar: Feedback form meeting. Bulidng work happening. Roger can offer to get beer in his car.What happens with New Year restart up? Lots straight after New year – 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 6thNYE – lot of volunteers needed. Email to Mike.If Films letter. Issue around protest. Need to find a way to discuss issues rather than cause conflicts to cinema users.ACTION: Bring agenda item about being animal/cruelty free/vegetarian at next meeting.S+S letter: apologise for what happened. Was not a volunteer. ACTION. Ilana. New Membership cards. Sarah Cook did last years– just put the year on. ACTION: Ilana to discuss with Sarah Make it white on black not black on white to distinguishVolunteers for events after new year – Steph emailing out.PA:Offer of use of a PA in exchange for storage. From Bill – on loan not to borrow. He still uses it. Need to discuss re not getting it trashed. Pauline going to have some thoughts and bring it to another meeting.Xmas party – who is entertaining? Will be S+S stylee (last minute and fun).Ends.
17 Dec 2007 - gen meeting
, 2008-01-07
Minutes from meeting